Microkhan by Brendan I. Koerner

“Living Dinosaurs” Will Kill Us All

February 11th, 2009 · No Comments

My son’s first birthday was on Sunday, so I just took him to the pediatrician for his one-year checkup. At the end of the appointment, I was handed a sheet detailing the main hazards that kids like Maceo face: Tylenol tablets, shade cords, plastic bags, etc.

Useful advice, for sure. But why didn’t the doc warn me about frickin’ alligators?

More alligator alarmism here (PDF). The paper’s conclusion includes the following bit of unassailable wisdom:

Actions to be avoided include allowing small children to approach bodies of water that may be inhabited by alligators.

Also, do not keep alligators as pets. If only Antoine Yates had listened.


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