Microkhan by Brendan I. Koerner

The Last 3,000 Miles

October 23rd, 2009 · 4 Comments

After a tremendous week of work, contemplation, and gorging on fish tacos out here in Palo Alto, we’re heading back to Microkhan headquarters this evening. Not much time for blogging today, alas, as we try to suck a last few moments of enjoyment out of this trip. So we’re skipping right ahead to Bad Movie Friday, and to a not-so-classic we’ve been storing up for ages: Commando. Unlike some of Arnie’s early vehicles, this one does not stand the test of time. And no better clip makes that clear than the one above, in which California’s current governor spouts a kicker worthy of McBain.

The film’s one saving grace? Bennett’s taste in chain-mail shirts. Kinda badass.


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4 Comments so far ↓

  • hubcap

    Two thoughts came to mind:

    1) I saw that movie three times when I was in 8th grade.
    2) Boy did I have bad taste when I was in 8th grade.

  • Gramsci

    Baskin in your pain as I’m robbin you of life.

  • omellet

    I like that he throws a hollow pipe so hard that it not only goes through a guy wearing a chain-mail shirt, but also manages to breach some kind of boiler behind it. And still, this is one of my favorite 80’s movies. It has one of the classic “gearing-up” scenes of all time.

  • omellet

    Sorry, hollow pipe is redundant, isn’t it?