As part of a new routine designed to get me out of a creative rut, I’m aiming to start each weekday with a short post. Most will be culled from the mile-long list of bookmarks I’ve compiled over the years—an assemblage of arcane papers, defunct blogs, and curious news items that caught my fancy at some point, and which still hold enough import to survive my occasional thinning of the informational herd.
Today’s entry is a site devoted to Communist propaganda books, a topic of longtime fascination here at Microkhan headquarters. I don’t know how the site’s mysterious author got his/her hands on such a trove of materials, but they’ve clearly devoted themselves to scoping up texts about North Korean manufacturing, Soviet Olympic preparations, and Czechoslovakian agrarian accomplishments. Trust me when I say it’s easy to get lost in all the vintage photos, not to mention the sunny captions.
See also: Microkhan on Fortune’s Favorites, the supposed diaries of American soldiers who defected to North Korea during the war.
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