Microkhan by Brendan I. Koerner

The Saddest Anthem in the World

September 29th, 2022 · No Comments

The lyrics for national anthems are usually testaments to a country’s finer aspects—its gorgeous scenery, perhaps, or the indomitable fighting spirit of its longtime (though not necessarily original) residents. One notable exception is the anthem of Bikini Atoll, the South Pacific island that the United States destroyed with nuclear weapons tests in the early years of the Cold War. Just months after an American general convinced all 167 Bikinians to evacuate their home, having promised that their sacrifice would eventually lead to the end of all wars, Lore Kessibuki composed a song that could not possibly exude more sadness and regret. The translated lyrics:

No longer can I stay; it’s true.
No longer can I live in peace and harmony.
No longer can I rest on my sleeping mat and pillow
Because of my island and the life I once knew there.

The thought is overwhelming
Rendering me helpless and in great despair.

My spirit leaves, drifting around and far away
Where it becomes caught in a current of immense power –
And only then do I find tranquility

Related, and highly recommended: Lawrence Sumulong’s photographs of the Bikinian diaspora, soon to be on display at Duke.


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