It would honestly have been super-easy for me to blow off posting here today, mostly because—and I have the page-view statistics to support this contention—literally no one is reading what I write. But I didn’t want to betray the main reason I opened Microkhan back up, which is my desperate need to get back in the habit of writing every day no matter what. And so here I am, doing the simplest thing possible in order to keep my streak alive—one small step, I hope, toward extricating myself from the creative doldrums that have enveloped me since summer.
The above comes from a booklet worth your time, Ricky Jay’s extraordinarily tongue-in-cheek Cards as Weapons. I’m amazed he was able to keep the joke going for 130 pages, and would love to know more about how he developed the discipline to keep puttering forward with complete (albeit entertaining) nonsense. I yearn to possess just a sliver of Jay’s literary energy.
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